About Kit Oliynyk
Over the past 15 years, Kit has been a design leader, a speaker, a writer, a product designer, an inventor, a UX/interaction/something-something designer, a consultant, a dad (twice), and a cautious optimist for this exciting tech-ridden time we all live in. He cares a lot about design cultures at a large scale, design ethics, and computational design. In his current role Kit is helping OneMain, a large financial institution, go through its digital transformation while bringing humanity to personal lending.
Speaking at the conference
Not Your Typical Design Ethics Talk
Kit will talk about the ethos of "makers"—how making things and simply being creative for the sake of creativity can be a bad thing, if we're not willing to be responsible for our legacy and pretend that “design isn’t political.” I'll showcase studies of companies and products that are making our lives and our society worse—sometimes unintentionally. He'll explore dark patterns and how they could cost millions of dollars—and, sometimes, human lives. And share three areas of transformation where we as an industry can get better:
- Self-identity: Transform our beliefs to shift from pure craftsmanship to become the makers of social good, evolve our definition of success from “moving fast and breaking things” into the sustainability and health of our society.
- Connection: Engage with as many people as possible in our companies (beyond just tech), overcome our biases through diversity and inclusion, and share beliefs and values that empower our partners and us to care about people, together.
- Future-proofing: Ask questions to one another to collectively identify the emerging risk zones for our products and services using a variety of tools, including EthicalOS, moral value maps, “worst-case scenario” workshops, and more.
Q&A with Kit Oliynyk
Jeremy will take your questions for Kit.
We have a range of passes available to suit every schedule. All the conference and festival content will be available on-demand for three months after the event.