About Radhika Dutt
Radhika Dutt is the author of the upcoming book Radical Product Thinking: The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter. She is an entrepreneur and product leader who has participated in four acquisitions, two of which were companies that she founded. Radhika advises organizations from high-tech startups to government agencies on building radical products (ones that create a fundamental change instead of optimizing the status quo). She also teaches entrepreneurship and innovation at Northeastern’s D’Amore McKim School of Business. Radhika co-founded Radical Product Thinking as a movement of leaders creating vision-driven change and is a frequent speaker at business events and conferences around the world. She graduated from MIT with an SB and M.Eng in Electrical Engineering, and speaks nine languages, currently learning her tenth.
Speaking at the conference
Radical Product Thinking: How to Innovate Smarter and Build World-changing Products
Methodologies such as Lean and Agile have taught us to harness the power of iteration to innovate faster -- we've learned how to drive faster, but our ability to set the destination hasn't kept pace. When we iterate in the absence of a vision and strategy, our products and companies become bloated, fragmented, and driven by irrelevant metrics. They catch “product diseases” which are often fatal to innovation. This talk introduces you to a radical new approach to build successful companies and deliver world-changing innovation repeatably. We’ll challenge conventional wisdom about what makes a good vision and talk about where the current mantras for product development fall short. You’ll walk away with practical tools to develop a vision for the change you want to bring about in the world and translate that systematically into reality.
Q&A with Tom Prior and Radhika Dutt
Jeremy will take your questions for Tom and Radhika.
We have a range of passes available to suit every schedule. All the conference and festival content will be available on-demand for three months after the event.